Co-Creating Your Life with the Universe

Episode 4 January 26, 2025 00:29:05
Co-Creating Your Life with the Universe
The Remote Mom Collective
Co-Creating Your Life with the Universe

Jan 26 2025 | 00:29:05


Hosted By

Britni The Remote Mom

Show Notes

In this empowering episode of the Remote Mom Collective Podcast, join Britni as she dives into the transformative concept of co-creating your life with the universe. Discover how intention setting, visualization, and mindfulness can help you align your thoughts and actions to manifest the future you desire. Whether you're curious about the law of attraction or just looking to boost your self-confidence, Britni shares practical steps and inspirational insights to help you take control of your path and create your own opportunities. Tune in and get ready to unleash your potential!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] You're listening to the Remote Mom Collective podcast, where moms can find their stride in the remote work world. Whether you currently work remotely or you want to, you're in the right place. I'm Brittany, the remote mom, and I've been working remotely since 2007. I became a mom in 2015, and there's a lot to learn. Together, we'll support, inspire, and empower each other on our journey to balance work, life and motherhood. From the comfort of our own homes or wherever we're working remotely together, let's redefine what it means to be a working mom. Let's support and inspire each other. [00:00:50] Hey there, and welcome to another episode of the Remote Mom Collective Podcast. I'm Brittany, the Remote mom, and I'm so glad you're here today because today we're talking about co creating your life with with the universe. [00:01:04] So I know some of us have big beliefs in whatever your religion is, and this might be something that maybe might stray a little bit from those beliefs. So just take this with a grain of salt. Hear me out. [00:01:22] This does align with manifesting. It does align with. You can create your own path. We all have free will, but you are in power and you are in control of your future. And this is what this episode is about today. So I just want to say that up front, some of this might not be something that resonates with you. And that's okay. If it doesn't, skip this episode or listen to this episode. Sometimes I like to listen to things or read things or watch things that are different than what I believe in because it might give me a new perspective. [00:02:02] It might, you know, allow me to say, okay, I definitely don't believe that. It might reinforce that non belief or, you know, might open your mind a little bit. So with that being said in the beginning, I just am so glad you're here. And I really want to emphasize that I believe that everyone has the power to shape their lives through intention, setting, and by tapping into this universe's energy, we are all energy. This does go along the idea of law of attraction or manifestation and those kinds of beliefs and ideas. But the point of it is, if you think about somebody who is determined to do something, whether that's get a law degree or become a movie star or become a mom or have a family or move to a specific place, they all have a goal and they're all going to do anything they can to get there. If you think about that person who is determined and dead set, I'm going to be a movie star one day. And I'm going to do all of the things I need to do and I'm going to take every opportunity and get my name out there. [00:03:09] They're making their path, they are making their opportunities. I just think about all of those, like biopics I've seen of people who have done extraordinary things in their lives and they've needed to get ahead and they make their own path. They don't wait for somebody to hand it to them on a silver platter. They go out and they forge that path. They, they do what they need to do to get in front of the people they need to get in front of. They're not just sitting there waiting for something to happen to them. So I do believe that it is mind over matter. You can, whatever you put your mind to it, you can do it. You can make that happen. If you're going to be a billionaire one day and you say you're going to be a billionaire and you, that is your goal, you can make that happen. [00:03:54] You can make that happen. Co creating with the universe involves aligning your thoughts, actions and beliefs with the goals that you want to achieve. [00:04:04] It's that simple, right? All you have to do is just get an alignment and there it is. But it's more than just that. Think about if you are on a fitness journey, you know that you have to do these kinds of things to get to the next level. I know that I need to eat better and I need to have a calorie deficit and I need to eat more protein and I need to do X, Y and Z to be able to lose £10. [00:04:28] Well, that's my choice every day to make those decisions. Am I going to eat the brownie or am I going to eat a rice cake with peanut butter on it? And I guess depending on the brownie, the rice cake might not be the best option. But you get what I'm saying. We make choices every day that can get us further along and further aligned with whatever we want, whatever reality we want. Now, this episode is not about manifesting and writing down everything that you want and the 3, 6, 9 method and, you know, spells and all of those kinds of things. This is not what this episode is about today. [00:05:06] Manifestation is the process of bringing your goals and desires into reality through focused thoughts, beliefs and actions. There is an action involved. You have to act on it. [00:05:20] So you can think it, but you have to believe you can do it. And then you have to make an action. [00:05:27] It also requires intention setting. Intention setting is Identifying and declaring your goals, desires, clearly, which helps you focus your energy and action toward achieving them. If you wanted to be a doctor, you're going to go to undergrad, then you're going to go to grad school or, you know, med school, and then you're going to do the residency, and you're going to do all the things that you have to do to be able to become a doctor, and you have to put in that energy. You have to put your mind through all of those hard, you know, hard hours of work and tests and studying and thesis and all of those things. I don't know what it takes to become a doctor, but there's a lot. And you put yourself through that. You put your mind to it. You can do it. You have to have those goals. You're putting your energy towards studying, you're putting your energy towards focusing on your work so that you can get that degree and become a doctor. [00:06:26] You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts. And that Brian Tracy said that, and I believe it. If you think that, oh, today's gonna suck because the sun's not shining and it's raining all day and I can't find the shoes that I was gonna wear and my pants don't fit anymore, if you make that decision that morning that the day is gonna suck, your day's gonna suck. But if you wake up and you're like, oh, well, I guess I have to wear a different pair of shoes today, maybe I'll try this new pair that I've never worn because I can't find my other pair and my pants don't fit. So maybe I'll try styling something different. Maybe I'll. That makes me feel a little bit more comfortable. And I'm going to try to make the best of it today. I'm going to try something different. Just have a different outlook on it. But think positively, don't think negative. And I'm not telling you that toxic. What do they call it? The toxic positivity. We don't need to be positive all the time. Life isn't sunshine and rainbows all the time. But you put out the energy, you get back the energy that you put out. If you walk into a room with people and you have a frowny face on and you have your arms crossed and you're not talking to anybody and you're standing in the corner, people are going to not want to talk to you. But if you walk into a room with a smile on your face, and you sit down at a table with people you don't know and you introduce yourself, you're probably going to have a better time than the person that walked in with a frowny face. [00:07:55] You can have small intentions that you tell yourself when you wake up in the morning, like, I will be more mindful today or I will find a fulfilling career, wake up that morning and say, everything that I am doing today will lead me to my new fulfilling career. [00:08:16] Practical steps that you can take to align with the universe. [00:08:22] Mindfulness and awareness. Being present and being mindful can help you tune into the subtle nudges from the universe. Call these signs, call these messages from God, Call these messages from your angels. Call these coincidences. Although I don't believe in coincidences. But being mindful and notice when notice, notice subtle signs that you may see. You know, there are. There are lots of synchronicities that you can look out for. [00:08:54] You know, they say that if you. If you randomly think of a person out of nowhere, that person probably needs you to reach out to them, or that person's probably thinking of you. They probably need you. And so, you know, you could act on it. You could choose to act on it and say, hey, I was thinking about you. Have you ever noticed sometimes if you've done that, where you've maybe called somebody and been like, I was just thinking about you this morning. And then your friend says, yeah, you know, how funny. I actually was thinking of you and I was going to call you because I wanted to tell you about such and such. [00:09:26] That's not a coincidence, in my opinion. But you have to pay attention to those signs, to those nudges. [00:09:34] I want you to go through a quick visualization exercise. [00:09:41] What I'm going to do if you're driving, don't do this. Do this when you're not driving. [00:09:47] But I want to ask you to close your eyes. [00:09:52] Picture whatever your goal is in vivid detail. I want to know. I want you just to think about what you're wearing, where you are, who are you with, what are you doing, and imagine what it would feel like to achieve that, that goal. What does it feel like to you? What do you smell? What do you see? What do you hear? What are you standing on? What clothes are you wearing? What shoes are you wearing? What does it look like outside? Are you in a building? Are you outside? Are you in your room? Are you on tv? [00:10:25] Really visualize what that looks like to you. [00:10:30] Because when you can visualize it and see it in your mind's eye and you can see it in your imagination, then you can make it a reality, you know? A study from the Journal of Consulting Psychology found that people who visualize their goals are 10 times more likely to achieve them. That was back in 2019. Ten times more likely to achieve them. If you can visualize that. That success. [00:10:56] You know, when we daydream. Remember, did we. Do you used to daydream as a kid? I used to daydream all the time. You just kind of stare off into space or. I remember in fifth grade, I was a new kid in fifth grade at my elementary school, and I didn't really have any friends. And it was the only. It was the only one year that I was ever bullied in my entire life. And thank goodness I went to a different school after that. But I walked around the playground at recess because I didn't really have any friends. And I would just walk and think. I would just walk and think and I would visualize what it would be like to have friends, like a good group of friends, and what it would be like to go over to their house and have sleepovers and, you know, go with them to the mall, because that's what we did back in the 90s, go to the mall. What it would feel like to go to eat snacks with them in the food court and go shopping. And I'm not saying that that visualization made it come true when I went to my new school, but it came true when I went to my new school. But I could visualize it. I could picture it. If you can picture it, you can make it a reality. [00:12:03] Expressing gratitude is something that you should bring into your normal everyday routine or practice or what you need to express gratitude for what you have and what you desire, because it creates positive that attracts similar vibrations from the universe. When you're grateful, the universe is like, oh, wow, let's keep it coming. Let's keep it coming. We got this. Grateful, you know, she's so grateful for everything and loves it. Let's keep this good energy coming. Remember, you put out. Whatever energy you put out, you get back. Which is kind of why I believe in karma too. But that's another topic for another day. I feel like I say that all the time on these podcast episodes is like, that's another topic for another day. But that's kind of the idea with karma. Whatever you put out, you're going to get back. [00:12:53] Small actions can be taken to align with the universe and achieve goals. [00:12:59] Manifesting isn't just about thinking. It's about taking small, inspired steps towards your goals. [00:13:08] There is a huge importance of listening to your intuition and then acting on opportunities. So pay attention to your intuition. [00:13:17] And another episode, I meant because I'm bulk recording today, so I can't remember which one it was, but I was talking about going for walks without listening to anything. Like, don't put your earphones in and just listen to nature. Listen to whatever environment you're walking around in, and then pay attention to your thoughts. [00:13:41] Sometimes those thoughts are our conscious mind, but if you acknowledge those and let them move on, your intuition kind of pops in. You know that feeling where it's like, oh, I don't feel like I should do that person gives me the bad vibes. It's usually your intuition. Or if you just don't feel right about a certain situation, you can't put your finger on it, but you just don't feel right about a specific situation. That's your intuition. [00:14:09] Listen to your intuition. [00:14:11] You can connect more to your intuition if you give it a chance to be amplified. And what I mean by that is, allow it space to be heard. For me, it's going on a walk in nature or just going on a walk in my neighborhood without my earphones, and it's just listening to the thoughts in my head. And it can be really. At first, it can be really hard because all these weird thoughts pop in your head and you're like, oh, I wonder what so and so is doing. And I hope nobody thinks I'm strange out here walking with no earphones in, because nobody really does that anymore, right? Or I hope nobody stops in the neighborhood and tries to talk to me. [00:14:48] But you get to a point where you. You get so in your head and you're. And you're. [00:14:55] You're listening. You're just listening. And sometimes it's listening and it incorporates your environment. [00:15:03] Sometimes it sounds in your environment that will trigger certain intuition, intuitive thoughts or intuitive messages and other ways that people can connect with their intuition, which I haven't gotten into really, but meditation. And meditation can be really difficult. It's hard for me to sit still and just be quiet. [00:15:22] I just don't have. [00:15:24] It's just hard for me. So I do like to do guided meditations, but sometimes those aren't quiet enough for me to hear. So the walks for me work a little bit better to be able to connect with my intuition. But if meditation works for you, that is a great way for you to connect with your intuition. And, you know, you can also interpret this as God talking to you as well, if that Aligns with your beliefs. But your intuition has messages for you. And some of them maybe nonsense right now, but then they might make sense in the future. There's a reason why you have an icky feeling about a situation. How many times does that happen to you? We have a weird situation feeling about something, and then later on down the road, you find out something about that person or you find out something that the situation went awry, and you're like, oh, I knew it. I just didn't listen to myself. That's her intuition. [00:16:25] Affirmations. [00:16:29] Affirmations can help reinforce positive beliefs and keep your mind focused on what you want to attract. So, for example, I am capable of achieving my dreams, and I attract positive opportunities, or I attract abundance, or I attract job offers that come my way, or I attract opportunities that come into my lap that will pay me a million dollars, right? And the likeliness of that happening, I don't know, maybe it will happen. Put it out there in the universe. But you want to set that positive intuition or that positive affirmation because it's. It's reassuring to yourself and it makes you believe in yourself. And when we believe in ourselves, we have more confidence in doing things, and we feel more comfortable with doing the uncomfortable. So even if the affirmations feel hokey and it feels like, oh, this is so stupid, like nothing's going to come of this, at least it makes you feel better about yourself. At least the positivity makes you feel a little bit more empowered, or at least it makes me feel that way. [00:17:46] Another thing that you can do to align with the universe and achieve goals is create a vision board. I've mentioned this before. [00:17:54] Make a vision board with images and words that represent what you want to do. It's fun, it's creative. My daughter created one. She has one in her bedroom. She's nine. So it has, like, Taylor Swift and kittens all over it. But she's got some great messages up there on her for herself. Be kind. Every day is one of them. [00:18:13] So just give yourself the opportunity to dream and give yourself the opportunity to be whoever you want to be. Because if you can't give your own self that opportunity, then who else is going to give that to you, right? [00:18:34] Tell yourself, I attract positive opportunities. I am worthy. [00:18:39] I am worthy of receiving this. [00:18:44] Oprah Winfrey says, you don't become what you want, you become what you believe. [00:18:50] If you believe in yourself and you can see the success in yourself, and you can see your future and your goals, you're going to get There, you have to believe in yourself first. [00:19:05] Everybody else can believe in you, but they're not the ones that have to take the action. You're the one that has to take that action. That belief in yourself, whether you think this is woo woo and you know, not real, you know that self confidence is real and believing in yourself is part of self confidence. So at least give yourself that. [00:19:29] Visualization activates the same brain regions as actual experiences, making goals feel more attainable and real. So the more real it feels to you, the more you're going to be like, yeah, I can do it, I can do this. I know I can do this and I'm going to do this. And I will do everything that it takes to get there. Whether it's getting another certification or getting a more degree or practicing or training every single day, or finding a mentor, I'm going to do it. [00:20:00] Neuroscience research from UCLA shows that mental imagery can enhance motivation and improve performance by helping the brain practice for real life outcomes. So when you're visualizing in your brain what this outcome is, you're practicing in your head. Athletes do this all the time. They'll go through a situation in their head and they'll practice. [00:20:26] Athletes and performers who use visualization have a 20% higher success rate in achieving their goals compared to Those who don't. [00:20:35] 20% higher success rate when they visualize. [00:20:39] Visualization has nothing to do with your beliefs as far as, you know, God, universe, spirit, source. That has nothing to do with your beliefs there. It has everything to do with the belief in yourself. [00:20:55] But that visualization is powerful because you're already practicing it. You already are preparing yourself. Sure, the actual event will probably look different, People will be wearing different clothes. It might not look exactly the way that you're expecting. People might say different things in your visualization. You might be wearing different uniform, whatever, but you've already practiced it. So you've already been there in your head and it'll be a little bit more comfortable for you. [00:21:25] Michael Phelps used visualization to mentally rehearse winning races. So it's been proven to boost confidence and enhance actual performance. You can practice in your head and be like, oh, I need to, you know, I'm gonna win and I'm gonna get the gold medal. But then I'm gonna be sure that I shake the hands of my opponents. And I am gonna be sure that the first, that the second and third place people, when I win the gold, I'm gonna bring them on the pod, we can celebrate it together because it was a It was a wonderful accomplishment and so hard. [00:21:57] Practice that in your head because then when you do it, you're going to be more like you're in the moment and you're going to, you're going to not think about doing those kinds of things. So if you've already practiced it in your head, you know what you're going to do. [00:22:10] Even people, even actors who are winning awards or people who know that they're out for awards, they'll practice their acceptance speech or they'll at least have it written out. And I'm sure they've practiced it a couple of times right in the mirror to make sure that it doesn't sound stupid. [00:22:24] You practice it and make sure that and you visualize it in your head. [00:22:31] So here are some action steps for co creating with the universe. We're coming up at the end of this episode. But these are some things that I want you to do. I encourage you to start each day by setting a small intention aligned with your bigger goals, whatever that is. If it's that you're looking for a job because you're unemployed, it is. I will apply, I will wholeheartedly apply to 10 jobs today. But that means not the same resume for every 10 jobs. That means do your research. That means tailor the resume. Tailor your cover letter. Connect with the LinkedIn profile of the company. Connect with the hiring manager that's doing all those steps for 10 a day. Set a goal. [00:23:17] Do a five minute visualization. [00:23:19] Dedicate five minutes a day to visualize a specific goal. And I encourage you to use all your senses and picture the details vividly. So if it's losing 10 pounds, what does that look like when you've lost those 10 pounds? What are you doing? What are you wearing? What are you eating? [00:23:38] What room are you in? What does that feel like? What are people saying to you? [00:23:45] Here's a journal prompt for you. [00:23:49] What is one small step I can take today that aligns with my goals and my values? What is one small step that I can take today that aligns with my goals and my values? Well, for me, probably not looking at my phone the very first thing when I wake up in the morning. Like, people are saying that that's so bad for you and that's not a good way to start your day. And I have that horrible habit of rolling over if I wake up too early and I look at my phone for 30 minutes and then it's time to wake up. [00:24:17] I am going to try not to do that. I'm going to see tomorrow If I don't do that, if I get out of bed when I wake up, instead of laying there on my phone, how different is my day? Does that make a difference? [00:24:32] I guess we'll see. I also want you to practice gratitude. [00:24:37] You can keep a gratitude journal where you list three things that you're grateful for each day. So it can be something like, I am grateful that the sun was shining today. I am grateful that there was no traffic on the way to work today. I am grateful that my doctor's appointment stayed on time and didn't go over and the doctor was on time. Could be really simple things. [00:24:58] And it helps to shift your focus to positivity and abundance. It takes it away from the doom and gloom. It takes it away from the things that aren't going right. I didn't make enough money this month. I can't, you know, I'm not going to be able to go to dinner with my friends on Friday night because I can't, you know, I didn't work enough hours or whatever that looks like for you. Don't think on the positive. I mean, don't think about the negative. You want to think about the positive things. I'm grateful that I have friends that I could go out to dinner with. [00:25:30] So as we wrap this up, I really want to share a quote with you really quickly. [00:25:38] Buddha says, the mind is everything. What you think, you become right? [00:25:48] Practice these small steps daily and trust in the process. Co creating with the universe requires patience and consistency in action, but can lead to transformative outcomes. I really want you to understand that the action part is required. You can't just write in a manifestation journal, I manifest a million dollars. And you can't do that over and over and over again and then expect a million dollars to fall on your lap. Despite what those people out there say about manifestation, it's not just going to happen unless you take an action. You have to take an action to make that happen. [00:26:24] I really hope that this episode today opened your mind a little bit about co creating with the universe and creating your path and that your path belongs to you, it doesn't belong to anybody else. And you are in full control. You have free will. [00:26:41] I hope it feels like it's given you a guide on how to harness the power of manifestation and visualization and that it encourages you to start a process with the universe. If you haven't already been in any sort of manifestation or even just belief in yourself and visualization, visualization, maybe you learned something new that you can put into practice. To help get you towards that goal that you are that you're working for. [00:27:12] I'd love to hear about your goals. I'd love to hear about what you're doing and what you're aiming for. And share your visualization boards with me, your vision boards. I mean, visualization. I guess they could be visualization boards, too. Share them with me. You can connect with me via email. Mom. Thereemote mom. I'm on LinkedIn. I'm getting better at Instagram, I'm on Facebook, and I think on Instagram, I'm brittanytheremote Mom. But it's all linked on the Remote mom website. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out if you need anything at all. As we say here on the Remote Mom Collective podcast, being different makes a difference. So let's support and inspire each other. Have a great day, y'all.

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